How to write a new intel module¶
If you want to add a new data type to Cartography, this is the guide for you. We look forward to receiving your PR!
Before getting started…¶
Read through and follow the setup steps in the Cartography developer guide. Learn the basics of running, testing, and linting your code there.
The fast way¶
To get started coding without reading this doc, just copy the structure of our AWS EMR module and use it as an example. For a longer written explanation of the “how” and “why”, read on.
Configuration and credential management¶
Supplying credentials and arguments to your module¶
If you need to supply an API key or other credential to your Cartography module, we recommend adding a CLI argument. An example of this can be seen in our Okta module where we require the user to specify the name of an environment variable containing their Okta API key. This credential will then be bound to Cartography’s Config object which is present in all modules. You can specify different arguments from the commandline for your module via the Config object.
An important note on validating your commandline args¶
Note that it is your module’s responsibility to validate arguments that you introduce. For example with the Okta module, we validate that config.okta_api_key
has been defined before attempting to continue.
Sync = Get, Transform, Load, Cleanup¶
A cartography intel module consists of one sync
function. sync
should call get
, then load
, and finally cleanup
The get
function returns data as a list of dicts
from a resource provider API, which is GCP in this particular example.
should be “dumb” in the sense that it should not handle retry logic or data
manipulation. It should also raise an exception if it’s not able to complete successfully.
The transform
function manipulates the list of dicts
to make it easier to ingest to the graph. transform
functions are sometimes omitted when a module author decides that the output from the get
is already in the shape that they need.
We have some best practices on handling transforms:
Handling required versus optional fields¶
We should directly access dicts in cases where not having the data should cause a sync to fail.
For example, if we are transforming AWS data, we definitely need an AWS object’s ARN field because it uniquely
identifies the object. Therefore, we should access an object’s ARN using data['arn']
as opposed to
using data.get('arn')
(the former will raise a KeyError
if arn
does not exist and the latter will just return
without an exception).
We want the sync to fail if an important field is not present in our data. The idea here is that it is better to fail a sync than to add malformed data.
On the other hand, we should use data.get('SomeField')
if SomeField
is something optional that can afford to be
For the sake of consistency, if a field does not exist, set it to None
and not ""
As seen in our AWS EMR example, the load
function ingests a list of dicts to Neo4j by calling cartography.client.core.tx.load():
def load_emr_clusters(
neo4j_session: neo4j.Session,
cluster_data: List[Dict[str, Any]],
region: str,
current_aws_account_id: str,
aws_update_tag: int,
) -> None:"Loading EMR {len(cluster_data)} clusters for region '{region}' into graph.")
Defining a node¶
As an example of a CartographyNodeSchema
, you can view our EMRClusterSchema code:
class EMRClusterSchema(CartographyNodeSchema):
label: str = 'EMRCluster' # The label of the node
properties: EMRClusterNodeProperties = EMRClusterNodeProperties() # An object representing all properties on the EMR Cluster node
sub_resource_relationship: EMRClusterToAWSAccount = EMRClusterToAWSAccount()
An EMRClusterSchema
object inherits from the CartographyNodeSchema
class and contains a node label, properties, and connection to its sub-resource: an AWSAccount
Note that the typehints are necessary for Python dataclasses to work properly.
Defining node properties¶
Here’s our EMRClusterNodeProperties code:
class EMRClusterNodeProperties(CartographyNodeProperties):
arn: PropertyRef = PropertyRef('ClusterArn', extra_index=True)
firstseen: PropertyRef = PropertyRef('firstseen')
id: PropertyRef = PropertyRef('Id')
# ...
lastupdated: PropertyRef = PropertyRef('lastupdated', set_in_kwargs=True)
region: PropertyRef = PropertyRef('Region', set_in_kwargs=True)
security_configuration: PropertyRef = PropertyRef('SecurityConfiguration')
A CartographyNodeProperties
object consists of PropertyRef objects. PropertyRefs
tell querybuilder.build_ingestion_query()
where to find appropriate values for each field from the list of dicts.
For example, id: PropertyRef = PropertyRef('Id')
above tells the querybuilder to set a field called id
on the EMRCluster
node using the value located at key 'id'
on each dict in the list.
As another example, region: PropertyRef = PropertyRef('Region', set_in_kwargs=True)
tells the querybuilder to set a field called region
on the EMRCluster
node using a keyword argument called Region
supplied to cartography.client.core.tx.load()
. set_in_kwargs=True
is useful in cases where we want every object loaded by a single call to load()
to have the same value for a given attribute.
Node property indexes¶
Cartography uses its data model to automatically create indexes for
node properties that uniquely identify the node (e.g.
)node properties are used to connect a node to other nodes (i.e. they are used as part of a
on aCartographyRelSchema
.)a node’s
field – this is used to enable faster cleanup jobs
As seen in the above definition for EMRClusterNodeProperties.arn
, you can also explicitly specify additional indexes for fields that you expect to be queried on by providing extra_index=True
to the PropertyRef
class EMRClusterNodeProperties(CartographyNodeProperties):
# ...
arn: PropertyRef = PropertyRef('ClusterArn', extra_index=True)
Index creation is idempotent (we only create them if they don’t exist).
See below for more information on indexes.
Defining relationships¶
Relationships can be defined on CartographyNodeSchema
on either their sub_resource_relationship field or their other_relationships field (you can find an example of other_relationships
here in our test data).
As seen above, an EMRClusterSchema
only has a single relationship defined: an EMRClusterToAWSAccount:
# (:EMRCluster)<-[:RESOURCE]-(:AWSAccount)
class EMRClusterToAWSAccount(CartographyRelSchema):
target_node_label: str = 'AWSAccount' # (1)
target_node_matcher: TargetNodeMatcher = make_target_node_matcher( # (2)
{'id': PropertyRef('AccountId', set_in_kwargs=True)},
direction: LinkDirection = LinkDirection.INWARD # (3)
rel_label: str = "RESOURCE" # (4)
properties: EMRClusterToAwsAccountRelProperties = EMRClusterToAwsAccountRelProperties() # (5)
This class is best described by explaining how it is processed: build_ingestion_query()
will traverse the EMRClusterSchema
to its sub_resource_relationship
field and find the above EMRClusterToAWSAccount
object. With this information, we know to
draw a relationship to an
node (1) using the label “RESOURCE
” (4)by matching on the AWSAccount’s “
” field” (2)where the relationship directionality is pointed inward toward the EMRCluster (3)
making sure to define a set of properties for the relationship (5). The full example RelProperties is very short:
class EMRClusterToAwsAccountRelProperties(CartographyRelProperties):
lastupdated: PropertyRef = PropertyRef('lastupdated', set_in_kwargs=True)
The result¶
And those are all the objects necessary for this example! The resulting query will look something like this:
UNWIND $DictList AS item
MERGE (i:EMRCluster{id: item.Id})
ON CREATE SET i.firstseen = timestamp()
i.lastupdated = $lastupdated,
i.arn = item.ClusterArn
// ...
WITH i, item
WITH i, item
OPTIONAL MATCH (j:AWSAccount{id: $AccountId})
MERGE (i)<-[r:RESOURCE]-(j)
ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp()
r.lastupdated = $lastupdated
And that’s basically all you need to know to understand how to define your own nodes and relationships using cartography’s data objects. For more information, you can view the object model API documentation as a reference.
Additional concepts¶
This section explains cartography general patterns, conventions, and design decisions.
cartography’s update_tag
’s global config object carries around an update_tag property
which is a tag/label associated with the current sync.
Cartography’s CLI code sets this to a Unix timestamp of when the CLI was run.
All cartography
intel modules set the lastupdated
property on all nodes and all relationships to this update_tag
All nodes need these fields¶
id - an ID should be a string that uniquely identifies the node. In AWS, this is usually an ARN. In GCP, this is usually a partial URI.
If possible, we should use API-provided fields for IDs and not create our own. In some cases though this is unavoidable - see GCPNetworkTag.
When setting an
, ensure that you also include the field name that it came from. For example, since we’ve decided to usepartial_uri``s as an id for a GCPVpc, we should include both ``partial_uri
on the node. This way, a user can tell what fields were used to derive theid
. This is accomplished herelastupdated
- See below on how this gets set automatically.firstseen
- See below on how this gets set automatically.
All relationships need these fields¶
Cartography currently does not create indexes on relationships, so in most cases we should keep relationships lightweight with only these two fields:
- See below on how this gets set automatically.firstseen
- See below on how this gets set automatically.
Run queries only on indexed fields for best performance¶
In this older example of ingesting GCP VPCs, we connect VPCs with GCPProjects based on their id fields. ``id``s are indexed, as seen here and here. All of these queries use indexes for faster lookup.
Older intel modules define indexes in indexes.cypher. By using CartographyNodeSchema and CartographyRelSchema objects, indexes are automatically created so you don’t need to update this file!
lastupdated and firstseen¶
On every cartography node and relationship, we set the lastupdated
field to the UPDATE_TAG
and firstseen
field to timestamp()
(a built-in Neo4j function equivalent to epoch time in milliseconds). This is automatically handled by the cartography object model.
One-to-many relationships¶
We can use the Cartography data model to represent one-to-many relationships. For example, an AWS IAM instance profile (API docs) maps to one or more roles.
An example instance profile object looks like this:
"Path": "/",
"InstanceProfileName": "my-instance-profile",
"InstanceProfileId": "AIPA4SD",
"Arn": "arn:aws:iam::1234:instance-profile/my-instance-profile",
"CreateDate": datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 21, 23, 54, 16),
"Roles": [
"Path": "/",
"RoleName": "role1",
"RoleId": "AROA4",
"Arn": "arn:aws:iam::1234:role/role1",
"CreateDate": datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 21, 6, 53, 29),
"Path": "/",
"RoleName": "role2",
"RoleId": "AROA5",
"Arn": "arn:aws:iam::1234:role/role2",
"CreateDate": datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 21, 6, 53, 29),
Note that the Roles
field in this data object is a list of objects (and that this is a one-to-many setup).
Here’s how to represent this in the Cartography data model:
Transform the data so that
becomes a list of IDs and not dicts. Here we will use ARNs. The result should be:
"Path": "/",
"InstanceProfileName": "my-instance-profile",
"InstanceProfileId": "AIPA4SD",
"Arn": "arn:aws:iam::1234:instance-profile/my-instance-profile",
"CreateDate": datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 21, 23, 54, 16),
"Roles": [
Define the InstanceProfile node (irrelevant fields omitted for brevity):
class InstanceProfileSchema(CartographyNodeSchema):
label: str = 'AWSInstanceProfile'
properties: ...
sub_resource_relationship: ...
other_relationships: OtherRelationships = OtherRelationships([
Define its association with AWS roles
class InstanceProfileToAWSRole(CartographyRelSchema):
target_node_label: str = 'AWSRole'
target_node_matcher: TargetNodeMatcher = make_target_node_matcher(
{'arn': PropertyRef('Roles', one_to_many=True)},
direction: LinkDirection = LinkDirection.OUTWARD
rel_label: str = "ASSOCIATED_WITH"
properties: ...
The key part is setting one_to_many=True
in the PropertyRef for the TargetNodeMatcher. This instructs the data model
to look for AWSRoles in the graph where their arn
field is in the list pointed to by the Roles
key on the data dict.
Now we can use the same steps described above in this doc to finish data ingestion.
We have just added new nodes and relationships to the graph, and we have also updated previously-added ones
by using MERGE
. We now need to delete nodes and relationships that no longer exist, and we do this by removing
all nodes and relationships that have lastupdated
NOT set to the update_tag
of this current run.
By using Cartography schema objects, a cleanup function is trivial to write:
def cleanup(neo4j_session: neo4j.Session, common_job_parameters: Dict) -> None:
logger.debug("Running EMR cleanup job.")
cleanup_job = GraphJob.from_node_schema(EMRClusterSchema(), common_job_parameters)
Older intel modules still do this process with hand-written cleanup jobs that work like this:
Delete all old nodes
You can see this in our GCP VPCs example. We run
to delete an old node and disconnect it from all other nodes.Delete all old relationships
You can see this in the GCP VPC example here and here.
Q: We just
’d the node. Why do we need to delete the relationships too?A: There are cases where the node may continue to exist but the relationships between it and other nodes have changed. Explicitly deleting stale relationships accounts for this case. See this short discussion.
Error handling principles¶
Don’t catch the base Exception class when error handling because it makes problems difficult to trace.
Do catch the narrowest possible class of exception.
Only catch exceptions when your code can resolve the issue. Otherwise, allow exceptions to bubble up.
Update the schema with every change!
Making tests¶
Before making tests, read through and follow the setup steps in the Cartography developer guide.
Add fake data for testing at
. We can see the GCP VPC example here.Add unit tests to
. See this example. These tests ensure thattransform*
manipulates the data in expected ways.Add integration tests to
. See this example. These tests assume that you have neo4j running at localhost:7687 with no password, and ensure that nodes loaded to the graph match your mock data.
We prefer and will accept PRs which incrementally add information from a particular data source. Incomplete representations are OK provided they are consistent over time. For example, we don’t sync 100% of AWS resources but the resources that exist in the graph don’t change across syncs.
Each intel module offers its own view of the graph
ℹ️ This best practice is a little less precise, so if you’ve gotten to this point and you need clarification, just submit your PR and ask us.
As much as possible, each intel module should ingest data without assuming that a different module will ingest the same data. Explained another way, each module should “offer its own perspective” on the data. We believe doing this gives us a more complete graph. Below are some key guidelines clarifying and justifying this design choice.
It is possible (and encouraged) for more than one intel module to modify the same node type.
For example, when we connect RDS instances to their associated EC2 security groups there are actually two different intel modules that retrieve EC2 security group data: the RDS module returns partial group data, and the EC2 module returns more complete data as it calls APIs specific for retrieving and loading security groups. Because both the RDS and EC2 modules
on a unique ID, we don’t need to worry about creating duplicate nodes in the graph.Another less obvious benefit of using
across more than one intel module to connect nodes in this way is that in many cases, we’ve seen an intel module discover nodes that another module was not aware of!