OCI Schema¶
Representation of an OCI Tenancy.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
name |
The name of the account |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
ocid |
The OCI Tenancy ID number |
Many node types belong to an
OCI Tenancy
.(OCITenancy)-[RESOURCE]->(OCIUser, OCIGroup, OCICompartment)
node is defined for anOCITenancy
Representation of an OCICompartment / Field / Description / /——-/————-/ / firstseen / Timestamp of when a sync job first discovered this node / / lastupdated / Timestamp of the last time the node was updated / / compartmentid / The compartment id of the compartment / / name / The friendly name of the compartment / / description / The description the compartment / / createdate / ISO 8601 date-time when the compartment was created / / ocid / OCI-unique identifier for this object /
OCI Compartments can be members of OCI Compartments (up to 6 levels deep).
OCI Tenancy’s contain OCI Compartments.
OCI Compartments can contain OCI Policies.
Representation of an OCIUser.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job first discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
compartmentid |
The compartment id of the user |
name |
The friendly name of the user |
description |
The description of the user |
The description of the user |
lifecycle_state |
The user’s current state. After creating a user, make sure its lifecycleState changes from CREATING to ACTIVE before using it. |
is_mfa_activated |
Flag indicates if MFA has been activated for the user. |
can_use_api_keys |
Indicates if the user can use API keys. |
can_use_auth_tokens |
Indicates if the user can use SWIFT passwords / auth tokens. |
can_use_console_password |
Indicates if the user can log in to the console. |
can_use_customer_secret_keys |
Indicates if the user can use SigV4 symmetric keys.Indicates if the user can use SigV4 symmetric keys.Indicates if the user can use SigV4 symmetric keys. |
can_use_smtp_credentials |
Indicates if the user can use SMTP passwords. |
createdate |
ISO 8601 date-time when the user was created |
OCI Users can be members of OCI Groups.
OCI Tenancy’s contain OCI Users.
Representation of OCI IAM Groups.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job first discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
compartmentid |
The OCID of the tenancy containing the group |
name |
The friendly name that identifies the group |
description |
The description the group |
createdate |
ISO 8601 date-time string when the group was created |
ocid |
The OCI-global identifier for this group |
OCIUsers can be members of OCIGroups.
OCIGroups belong to OCITenancy’s.
Representation of an OCI Policy.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job first discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
compartmentid |
The OCID of the compartment containing the policy |
statements |
An array of one or more policy statements written in the policy language. |
description |
The description the policy |
updatedate |
ISO 8601 date-time when the policy was last updated |
name |
The friendly name (not ocid) identifying the policy |
createdate |
ISO 8601 date-time when the policy was created |
ocid |
The OCI-unique identifier for this object |
node is defined in anOCITenancy
node is defined in anOCICompartment
node is defined in anOCITenancy
node can reference anOCICompartment
node can reference anOCIGroup
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job first discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
name |
The key (not ocid) identifying the region |
name |
The friendly name (not ocid) identifying the region |
node can reference anOCIRegion
Many node types belong to an
.(OCITenancy)<-[OCI_REGION]-(OCIUser, OCIGroup, OCICompartment)