Azure Schema¶
Representation of an Azure Tenant.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The Azure Tenant ID number |
Azure Principal is part of the Azure Account.
``` (AzureTenant)-[RESOURCE]->(AzurePrincipal) ```
Representation of an Azure Principal..
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
Email of the Azure Principal |
Azure Principal is part of the Azure Account.
``` (AzurePrincipal)-[RESOURCE]->(AzureTenant) ```
Representation of an Azure Subscription..
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The Azure Subscription ID number |
name |
The friendly name that identifies the subscription |
path |
The full ID for the Subscription |
state |
Can be one of |
Azure Tenant contains one or more Subscriptions.
``` (AzureTenant)-[RESOURCE]->(AzureSubscription) ```
Representation of an Azure Virtual Machine.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The Azure Virtual Machine ID number |
type |
The type of the resource |
location |
The location where Virtual Machine is created |
resourcegroup |
The Resource Group where Virtual Machine is created |
name |
The friendly name that identifies the Virtual Machine |
plan |
The plan associated with the Virtual Machine |
size |
The size of the Virtual Machine |
license_type |
The type of license |
computer_name |
The computer name |
identity_type |
The type of identity used for the virtual machine |
zones |
The Virtual Machine zones |
ultra_ssd_enabled |
Enables or disables a capability on the virtual machine or virtual machine scale set. |
priority |
Specifies the priority for the virtual machine |
eviction_policy |
Specifies the eviction policy for the Virtual Machine |
Azure Subscription contains one or more Virtual Machines.
``` (AzureSubscription)-[RESOURCE]->(VirtualMachine) ```
Representation of an Azure Data Disk.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The Azure Data Disk ID number |
lun |
Specifies the logical unit number of the data disk |
name |
The data disk name |
vhd |
The virtual hard disk associated with data disk |
image |
The source user image virtual hard disk |
size |
The size of the disk in GB |
caching |
Specifies the caching requirement |
createoption |
Specifies how the disk should be created |
write_accelerator_enabled |
Specifies whether writeAccelerator should be enabled or disabled on the data disk |
managed_disk_storage_type |
The data disk storage type |
Azure Virtual Machines are attached to Data Disks.
``` (VirtualMachine)-[ATTACHED_TO]->(AzureDataDisk) ```
Representation of an Azure Disk.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The Azure Disk ID number |
type |
The type of the resource |
location |
The location where Disk is created |
resourcegroup |
The Resource Group where Disk is created |
name |
The friendly name that identifies the Disk |
createoption |
Specifies how the disk should be created |
disksizegb |
The size of the disk in GB |
encryption |
Specifies whether the disk has encryption enabled |
maxshares |
Specifies how many machines can share the disk |
ostype |
The operating system type of the disk |
tier |
Performance Tier associated with the disk |
sku |
The disk sku name |
zones |
The logical zone list for disk |
Azure Subscription contains one or more Disks.
``` (AzureSubscription)-[RESOURCE]->(AzureDisk) ```
Representation of an Azure Snapshot.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The Azure Snapshot ID number |
type |
The type of the resource |
location |
The location where snapshot is created |
resourcegroup |
The Resource Group where snapshot is created |
name |
The friendly name that identifies the snapshot |
createoption |
Specifies how the disk should be created |
disksizegb |
The size of the snapshot in GB |
encryption |
Specifies whether the snapshot has encryption enabled |
incremental |
Indicates whether a snapshot is incremental or not |
network_access_policy |
Policy for accessing the snapshot via network |
ostype |
The operating system type of the snapshot |
tier |
Performance Tier associated with the snapshot |
sku |
The snapshot sku name |
zones |
The logical zone list for snapshot |
Azure Subscription contains one or more Snapshots.
``` (AzureSubscription)-[RESOURCE]->(AzureSnapshot) ```
Representation of an AzureSQLServer.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The resource ID |
location |
The location where the resource is created |
resourcegroup |
The Resource Group where SQL Server is created |
name |
The friendly name that identifies the SQL server |
kind |
Specifies the kind of SQL server |
state |
The state of the server |
version |
The version of the server |
Azure Subscription contains one or more SQL Servers.
``` (AzureSubscription)-[RESOURCE]->(AzureSQLServer) ```
Azure SQL Server can be used by one or more Azure Server DNS Aliases.
``` (AzureSQLServer)-[USED_BY]->(AzureServerDNSAlias) ```
Azure SQL Server can be administered by one or more Azure Server AD Administrators.
``` (AzureSQLServer)-[ADMINISTERED_BY]->(AzureServerADAdministrator) ```
Azure SQL Server has one or more Azure Recoverable Database.
``` (AzureSQLServer)-[RESOURCE]->(AzureRecoverableDatabase) ```
Azure SQL Server has one or more Azure Restorable Dropped Database.
``` (AzureSQLServer)-[RESOURCE]->(AzureRestorableDroppedDatabase) ```
Azure SQL Server has one or more Azure Failover Group.
``` (AzureSQLServer)-[RESOURCE]->(AzureFailoverGroup) ```
Azure SQL Server has one or more Azure Elastic Pool.
``` (AzureSQLServer)-[RESOURCE]->(AzureElasticPool) ```
Azure SQL Server has one or more Azure SQL Database.
``` (AzureSQLServer)-[RESOURCE]->(AzureSQLDatabase) ```
Representation of an AzureServerDNSAlias.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The resource ID |
name |
The name of the server DNS alias |
dnsrecord |
The fully qualified DNS record for alias. |
Azure SQL Server can be used by one or more Azure Server DNS Aliases.
``` (AzureSQLServer)-[USED_BY]->(AzureServerDNSAlias) ```
Representation of an AzureServerADAdministrator.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The resource ID |
name |
The name of the resource. |
administratortype |
The type of the server administrator. |
login |
The login name of the server administrator. |
Azure SQL Server can be administered by one or more Azure Server AD Administrators.
``` (AzureSQLServer)-[ADMINISTERED_BY]->(AzureServerADAdministrator) ```
Representation of an AzureRecoverableDatabase.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The resource ID |
name |
The name of the resource. |
edition |
The edition of the database. |
servicelevelobjective |
The service level objective name of the database. |
lastbackupdate |
The last available backup date of the database (ISO8601 format). |
Azure SQL Server has one or more Azure Recoverable Database.
``` (AzureSQLServer)-[RESOURCE]->(AzureRecoverableDatabase) ```
Representation of an AzureRestorableDroppedDatabase.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The resource ID |
name |
The name of the resource. |
location |
The geo-location where the resource lives. |
databasename |
The name of the database. |
creationdate |
The creation date of the database (ISO8601 format). |
deletiondate |
The deletion date of the database (ISO8601 format). |
restoredate |
The earliest restore date of the database (ISO8601 format). |
edition |
The edition of the database. |
servicelevelobjective |
The service level objective name of the database. |
maxsizebytes |
The max size in bytes of the database. |
Azure SQL Server has one or more Azure Restorable Dropped Database.
``` (AzureSQLServer)-[RESOURCE]->(AzureRestorableDroppedDatabase) ```
Representation of an AzureFailoverGroup.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The resource ID |
name |
The name of the resource. |
location |
The geo-location where the resource lives. |
replicationrole |
Local replication role of the failover group instance. |
replicationstate |
Replication state of the failover group instance. |
Azure SQL Server has one or more Azure Failover Group.
``` (AzureSQLServer)-[RESOURCE]->(AzureFailoverGroup) ```
Representation of an AzureElasticPool.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The resource ID |
name |
The name of the resource. |
location |
The location of the resource. |
kind |
The kind of elastic pool. |
creationdate |
The creation date of the elastic pool (ISO8601 format). |
state |
The state of the elastic pool. |
maxsizebytes |
The storage limit for the database elastic pool in bytes. |
licensetype |
The license type to apply for this elastic pool. |
zoneredundant |
Specifies whether or not this elastic pool is zone redundant, which means the replicas of this elastic pool will be spread across multiple availability zones. |
Azure SQL Server has one or more Azure Elastic Pool.
``` (AzureSQLServer)-[RESOURCE]->(AzureElasticPool) ```
Representation of an AzureSQLDatabase.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The resource ID |
name |
The name of the resource. |
location |
The location of the resource. |
kind |
The kind of database. |
creationdate |
The creation date of the database (ISO8601 format). |
databaseid |
The ID of the database. |
maxsizebytes |
The max size of the database expressed in bytes. |
licensetype |
The license type to apply for this database. |
secondarylocation |
The default secondary region for this database. |
elasticpoolid |
The resource identifier of the elastic pool containing this database. |
collation |
The collation of the database. |
failovergroupid |
Failover Group resource identifier that this database belongs to. |
zoneredundant |
Whether or not this database is zone redundant, which means the replicas of this database will be spread across multiple availability zones. |
restorabledroppeddbid |
The resource identifier of the restorable dropped database associated with create operation of this database. |
recoverabledbid |
The resource identifier of the recoverable database associated with create operation of this database. |
Azure SQL Server has one or more Azure SQL Database.
``` (AzureSQLServer)-[RESOURCE]->(AzureSQLDatabase) ```
Azure SQL Database contains one or more Azure Replication Links.
``` (AzureSQLDatabase)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureReplicationLink) ```
Azure SQL Database contains a Database Threat Detection Policy.
``` (AzureSQLDatabase)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureDatabaseThreatDetectionPolicy) ```
Azure SQL Database contains one or more Restore Points.
``` (AzureSQLDatabase)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureRestorePoint) ```
Azure SQL Database contains Transparent Data Encryption.
``` (AzureSQLDatabase)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureTransparentDataEncryption) ```
Representation of an AzureReplicationLink.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The resource ID |
name |
The name of the resource. |
location |
Location of the server that contains this firewall rule. |
partnerdatabase |
The name of the partner database. |
partnerlocation |
The Azure Region of the partner database. |
partnerrole |
The role of the database in the replication link. |
partnerserver |
The name of the server hosting the partner database. |
mode |
Replication mode of this replication link. |
state |
The replication state for the replication link. |
percentcomplete |
The percentage of seeding complete for the replication link. |
role |
The role of the database in the replication link. |
starttime |
The start time for the replication link. |
terminationallowed |
Legacy value indicating whether termination is allowed. |
Azure SQL Database contains one or more Azure Replication Links.
``` (AzureSQLDatabase)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureReplicationLink) ```
Representation of an AzureDatabaseThreatDetectionPolicy.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The resource ID |
name |
The name of the resource. |
location |
The geo-location where the resource lives. |
kind |
The kind of the resource. |
emailadmins |
Specifies that the alert is sent to the account administrators. |
emailaddresses |
Specifies the semicolon-separated list of e-mail addresses to which the alert is sent. |
retentiondays |
Specifies the number of days to keep in the Threat Detection audit logs. |
state |
Specifies the state of the policy. |
storageendpoint |
Specifies the blob storage endpoint. |
useserverdefault |
Specifies whether to use the default server policy. |
disabledalerts |
Specifies the semicolon-separated list of alerts that are disabled, or empty string to disable no alerts. |
Azure SQL Database contains a Database Threat Detection Policy.
``` (AzureSQLDatabase)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureDatabaseThreatDetectionPolicy) ```
Representation of an AzureRestorePoint.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The resource ID |
name |
The name of the resource. |
location |
The geo-location where the resource lives. |
restoredate |
The earliest time to which this database can be restored. |
restorepointtype |
The type of restore point. |
creationdate |
The time the backup was taken. |
Azure SQL Database contains one or more Restore Points.
``` (AzureSQLDatabase)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureRestorePoint) ```
Representation of an AzureTransparentDataEncryption.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The resource ID |
name |
The name of the resource. |
location |
The resource location. |
status |
The status of the database transparent data encryption. |
Azure SQL Database contains Transparent Data Encryption.
``` (AzureSQLDatabase)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureTransparentDataEncryption) ```
Representation of an AzureStorageAccount.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. |
type |
The type of the resource. |
location |
The geo-location where the resource lives. |
resourcegroup |
The Resource Group where the storage account is created |
name |
The name of the resource. |
kind |
Gets the Kind of the resource. |
creationtime |
Gets the creation date and time of the storage account in UTC. |
hnsenabled |
Specifies if the Account HierarchicalNamespace is enabled. |
primarylocation |
Gets the location of the primary data center for the storage account. |
secondarylocation |
Gets the location of the geo-replicated secondary for the storage account. |
provisioningstate |
Gets the status of the storage account at the time the operation was called. |
statusofprimary |
Gets the status availability status of the primary location of the storage account. |
statusofsecondary |
Gets the status availability status of the secondary location of the storage account. |
supportshttpstrafficonly |
Allows https traffic only to storage service if sets to true. |
Azure Subscription contains one or more Storage Accounts.
``` (AzureSubscription)-[RESOURCE]->(AzureStorageAccount) ```
Azure Storage Accounts uses one or more Queue Services.
``` (AzureStorageAccount)-[USES]->(AzureStorageQueueService) ```
Azure Storage Accounts uses one or more Table Services.
``` (AzureStorageAccount)-[USES]->(AzureStorageTableService) ```
Azure Storage Accounts uses one or more File Services.
``` (AzureStorageAccount)-[USES]->(AzureStorageFileService) ```
Azure Storage Accounts uses one or more Blob Services.
``` (AzureStorageAccount)-[USES]->(AzureStorageBlobService) ```
Representation of an AzureStorageQueueService.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. |
type |
The type of the resource. |
name |
The name of the queue service. |
Azure Storage Accounts uses one or more Queue Services.
``` (AzureStorageAccount)-[USES]->(AzureStorageQueueService) ```
Queue Service contains one or more queues.
``` (AzureStorageQueueService)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureStorageQueue) ```
Representation of an AzureStorageTableService.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. |
type |
The type of the resource. |
name |
The name of the table service. |
Azure Storage Accounts uses one or more Table Services.
``` (AzureStorageAccount)-[USES]->(AzureStorageTableService) ```
Table Service contains one or more tables.
``` (AzureStorageTableService)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureStorageTable) ```
Representation of an AzureStorageFileService.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. |
type |
The type of the resource. |
name |
The name of the file service. |
Azure Storage Accounts uses one or more File Services.
``` (AzureStorageAccount)-[USES]->(AzureStorageFileService) ```
Table Service contains one or more file shares.
``` (AzureStorageFileService)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureStorageFileShare) ```
Representation of an AzureStorageBlobService.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. |
type |
The type of the resource. |
name |
The name of the blob service. |
Azure Storage Accounts uses one or more Blob Services.
``` (AzureStorageAccount)-[USES]->(AzureStorageBlobService) ```
Blob Service contains one or more blob containers.
``` (AzureStorageBlobService)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureStorageBlobContainer) ```
Representation of an AzureStorageQueue.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. |
type |
The type of the resource. |
name |
The name of the queue. |
Queue Service contains one or more queues.
``` (AzureStorageQueueService)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureStorageQueue) ```
Representation of an AzureStorageTable.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. |
type |
The type of the resource. |
name |
The name of the table resource. |
tablename |
Table name under the specified account. |
Table Service contains one or more tables.
``` (AzureStorageTableService)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureStorageTable) ```
Representation of an AzureStorageBlobContainer.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
Fully qualified resource ID for the resource. |
type |
The type of the resource. |
name |
The name of the resource. |
deleted |
Indicates whether the blob container was deleted. |
deletedtime |
Blob container deletion time. |
defaultencryptionscope |
Default the container to use specified encryption scope for all writes. |
publicaccess |
Specifies whether data in the container may be accessed publicly and the level of access. |
leasestatus |
The lease status of the container. |
leasestate |
Lease state of the container. |
lastmodifiedtime |
Specifies the date and time the container was last modified. |
remainingretentiondays |
Specifies the remaining retention days for soft deleted blob container. |
version |
The version of the deleted blob container. |
hasimmutabilitypolicy |
Specifies the if the container has an ImmutabilityPolicy or not. |
haslegalhold |
Specifies if the container has any legal hold tags. |
leaseduration |
Specifies whether the lease on a container is of infinite or fixed duration, only when the container is leased. |
Blob Service contains one or more blob containers.
``` (AzureStorageBlobService)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureStorageBlobContainer) ```
Representation of an AzureCosmosDBAccount.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The unique resource identifier of the ARM resource. |
location |
The location of the resource group to which the resource belongs. |
resourcegroup |
The Resource Group where the database account is created. |
name |
The name of the ARM resource. |
kind |
Indicates the type of database account. |
type |
The type of Azure resource. |
ipranges |
List of IpRules. |
capabilities |
List of Cosmos DB capabilities for the account. |
documentendpoint |
The connection endpoint for the Cosmos DB database account. |
virtualnetworkfilterenabled |
Flag to indicate whether to enable/disable Virtual Network ACL rules. |
enableautomaticfailover |
Enables automatic failover of the write region in the rare event that the region is unavailable due to an outage. |
provisioningstate |
The status of the Cosmos DB account at the time the operation was called. |
multiplewritelocations |
Enables the account to write in multiple locations. |
accountoffertype |
The offer type for the Cosmos DB database account. |
publicnetworkaccess |
Whether requests from Public Network are allowed. |
enablecassandraconnector |
Enables the cassandra connector on the Cosmos DB C* account. |
connectoroffer |
The cassandra connector offer type for the Cosmos DB database C* account. |
disablekeybasedmetadatawriteaccess |
Disable write operations on metadata resources (databases, containers, throughput) via account keys. |
keyvaulturi |
The URI of the key vault. |
enablefreetier |
Flag to indicate whether Free Tier is enabled. |
enableanalyticalstorage |
Flag to indicate whether to enable storage analytics. |
defaultconsistencylevel |
The default consistency level and configuration settings of the Cosmos DB account. |
maxstalenessprefix |
When used with the Bounded Staleness consistency level, this value represents the number of stale requests tolerated. |
maxintervalinseconds |
When used with the Bounded Staleness consistency level, this value represents the time amount of staleness (in seconds) tolerated. |
Azure Subscription contains one or more database accounts.
``` (AzureSubscription)-[RESOURCE]->(AzureCosmosDBAccount) ```
Azure Database Account can be read from, written from and is associated with Azure CosmosDB Locations.
``` (AzureCosmosDBAccount)-[CAN_WRITE_FROM]->(AzureCosmosDBLocation) ``` (AzureCosmosDBAccount)-[CAN_READ_FROM]->(AzureCosmosDBLocation) ``` (AzureCosmosDBAccount)-[ASSOCIATED_WITH]->(AzureCosmosDBLocation) ```
Azure Database Account contains one or more Cors Policy.
``` (AzureCosmosDBAccount)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureCosmosDBCorsPolicy) ```
Azure Database Account contains one or more failover policies.
``` (AzureCosmosDBAccount)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureCosmosDBAccountFailoverPolicy) ```
Azure Database Account is configured with one or more private endpoint connections.
``` (AzureCosmosDBAccount)-[CONFIGURED_WITH]->(AzureCDBPrivateEndpointConnection) ```
Azure Database Account is configured with one or more virtual network rules.
``` (AzureCosmosDBAccount)-[CONFIGURED_WITH]->(AzureCosmosDBVirtualNetworkRule) ```
Azure Database Account contains one or more SQL databases.
``` (AzureCosmosDBAccount)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureCosmosDBSqlDatabase) ```
Azure Database Account contains one or more Cassandra keyspace.
``` (AzureCosmosDBAccount)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureCosmosDBCassandraKeyspace) ```
Azure Database Account contains one or more MongoDB Database.
``` (AzureCosmosDBAccount)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase) ```
Azure Database Account contains one or more table resource.
``` (AzureCosmosDBAccount)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureCosmosDBTableResource) ```
Representation of an Azure CosmosDB Location.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The unique identifier of the region within the database account. |
locationname |
The name of the region. |
documentendpoint |
The connection endpoint for the specific region. |
provisioningstate |
The status of the Cosmos DB account at the time the operation was called. |
failoverpriority |
The failover priority of the region. |
iszoneredundant |
Flag to indicate whether or not this region is an AvailabilityZone region. |
Azure Database Account has write permissions from, read permissions from and is associated with Azure CosmosDB Locations.
``` (AzureCosmosDBAccount)-[CAN_WRITE_FROM]->(AzureCosmosDBLocation) ``` (AzureCosmosDBAccount)-[CAN_READ_FROM]->(AzureCosmosDBLocation) ``` (AzureCosmosDBAccount)-[ASSOCIATED_WITH]->(AzureCosmosDBLocation) ```
Representation of an Azure Cosmos DB Cors Policy.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The unique resource identifier for Cors Policy. |
allowedorigins |
The origin domains that are permitted to make a request against the service via CORS. |
allowedmethods |
The methods (HTTP request verbs) that the origin domain may use for a CORS request. |
allowedheaders |
The request headers that the origin domain may specify on the CORS request. |
exposedheaders |
The response headers that may be sent in the response to the CORS request and exposed by the browser to the request issuer. |
maxageinseconds |
The maximum amount time that a browser should cache the preflight OPTIONS request. |
Azure Database Account contains one or more Cors Policy.
``` (AzureCosmosDBAccount)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureCosmosDBCorsPolicy) ```
Representation of an Azure Database Account Failover Policy.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The unique identifier of the region in which the database account replicates to. |
locationname |
The name of the region in which the database account exists. |
failoverpriority |
The failover priority of the region. A failover priority of 0 indicates a write region. |
Azure Database Account contains one or more failover policies.
``` (AzureCosmosDBAccount)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureCosmosDBAccountFailoverPolicy) ```
Representation of an Azure Cosmos DB Private Endpoint Connection.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
Fully qualified resource Id for the resource. |
name |
The name of the resource. |
privateendpointid |
Resource id of the private endpoint. |
status |
The private link service connection status. |
actionrequired |
Any action that is required beyond basic workflow (approve/ reject/ disconnect). |
Azure Database Account is configured with one or more private endpoint connections.
``` (AzureCosmosDBAccount)-[CONFIGURED_WITH]->(AzureCDBPrivateEndpointConnection) ```
Representation of an Azure Cosmos DB Virtual Network Rule.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
Resource ID of a subnet. |
ignoremissingvnetserviceendpoint |
Create firewall rule before the virtual network has vnet service endpoint enabled. |
Azure Database Account is configured with one or more virtual network rules.
``` (AzureCosmosDBAccount)-[CONFIGURED_WITH]->(AzureCosmosDBVirtualNetworkRule) ```
Representation of an AzureCosmosDBSqlDatabase.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The unique resource identifier of the ARM resource. |
name |
The name of the ARM resource. |
type |
The type of Azure resource. |
location |
The location of the resource group to which the resource belongs. |
throughput |
Value of the Cosmos DB resource throughput or autoscaleSettings. |
maxthroughput |
Represents maximum throughput, the resource can scale up to. |
Azure Database Account contains one or more SQL databases.
``` (AzureCosmosDBAccount)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureCosmosDBSqlDatabase) ```
SQL Databases contain one or more SQL containers.
``` (AzureCosmosDBSqlDatabase)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureCosmosDBSqlContainer) ```
Representation of an AzureCosmosDBCassandraKeyspace.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The unique resource identifier of the ARM resource. |
name |
The name of the ARM resource. |
type |
The type of Azure resource. |
location |
The location of the resource group to which the resource belongs. |
throughput |
Value of the Cosmos DB resource throughput or autoscaleSettings. |
maxthroughput |
Represents maximum throughput, the resource can scale up to. |
Azure Database Account contains one or more Cassandra keyspace.
``` (AzureCosmosDBAccount)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureCosmosDBCassandraKeyspace) ```
Cassandra Keyspace contains one or more Cassandra tables.
``` (AzureCosmosDBCassandraKeyspace)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureCosmosDBCassandraTable) ```
Representation of an AzureCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The unique resource identifier of the ARM resource. |
name |
The name of the ARM resource. |
type |
The type of Azure resource. |
location |
The location of the resource group to which the resource belongs. |
throughput |
Value of the Cosmos DB resource throughput or autoscaleSettings. |
maxthroughput |
Represents maximum throughput, the resource can scale up to. |
Azure Database Account contains one or more MongoDB Database.
``` (AzureCosmosDBAccount)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase) ```
MongoDB database contains one or more MongoDB collections.
``` (AzureCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureCosmosDBMongoDBCollection) ```
Representation of an AzureCosmosDBTableResource.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The unique resource identifier of the ARM resource. |
name |
The name of the ARM resource. |
type |
The type of Azure resource. |
location |
The location of the resource group to which the resource belongs. |
throughput |
Value of the Cosmos DB resource throughput or autoscaleSettings. |
maxthroughput |
Represents maximum throughput, the resource can scale up to. |
Azure Database Account contains one or more table resource.
``` (AzureCosmosDBAccount)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureCosmosDBTableResource) ```
Representation of an AzureCosmosDBSqlContainer.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The unique resource identifier of the ARM resource. |
name |
The name of the ARM resource. |
type |
The type of Azure resource. |
location |
The location of the resource group to which the resource belongs. |
throughput |
Value of the Cosmos DB resource throughput or autoscaleSettings. |
maxthroughput |
Represents maximum throughput, the resource can scale up to. |
container |
Name of the Cosmos DB SQL container. |
defaultttl |
Default time to live. |
analyticalttl |
Specifies the Analytical TTL. |
isautomaticindexingpolicy |
Indicates if the indexing policy is automatic. |
indexingmode |
Indicates the indexing mode. |
conflictresolutionpolicymode |
Indicates the conflict resolution mode. |
SQL Databases contain one or more SQL containers.
``` (AzureCosmosDBSqlDatabase)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureCosmosDBSqlContainer) ```
Representation of an AzureCosmosDBCassandraTable.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The unique resource identifier of the ARM resource. |
name |
The name of the ARM resource. |
type |
The type of Azure resource. |
location |
The location of the resource group to which the resource belongs. |
throughput |
Value of the Cosmos DB resource throughput or autoscaleSettings. |
maxthroughput |
Represents maximum throughput, the resource can scale up to. |
container |
Name of the Cosmos DB Cassandra table. |
defaultttl |
Time to live of the Cosmos DB Cassandra table. |
analyticalttl |
Specifies the Analytical TTL. |
Cassandra Keyspace contains one or more Cassandra tables.
``` (AzureCosmosDBCassandraKeyspace)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureCosmosDBCassandraTable) ```
Representation of an AzureCosmosDBMongoDBCollection.
Field |
Description |
firstseen |
Timestamp of when a sync job discovered this node |
lastupdated |
Timestamp of the last time the node was updated |
id |
The unique resource identifier of the ARM resource. |
name |
The name of the ARM resource. |
type |
The type of Azure resource. |
location |
The location of the resource group to which the resource belongs. |
throughput |
Value of the Cosmos DB resource throughput or autoscaleSettings. |
maxthroughput |
Represents maximum throughput, the resource can scale up to. |
collectionname |
Name of the Cosmos DB MongoDB collection. |
analyticalttl |
Specifies the Analytical TTL. |
MongoDB database contains one or more MongoDB collections.
``` (AzureCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase)-[CONTAINS]->(AzureCosmosDBMongoDBCollection) ```