Install and Run Cartography On Test Machine

Time to set up a test machine to run Cartography.

Option 1: Run docker-compose (preferred)

This is the quickest way to get started (assuming docker does what it’s supposed to do).

  1. Start up the Neo4j graph database.

       docker-compose up -d
    If this command errors out with permission problems, you may need to configure your Docker Desktop/Rancher Desktop/etc to use a different virtual machine volume setting: try virtiofs on Mac.
    It may take a minute for the Neo4j container to spin up.
  2. Configure and run Cartography.

    In this example we will run Cartography on AWS with a profile called “1234_testprofile” and default region set to “us-east-1”.

       docker-compose run \
           -e AWS_PROFILE=1234_testprofile \
           -e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 \
           cartography --neo4j-uri bolt://cartography-neo4j-1:7687
    If you get a connection error like ``ValueError: Cannot resolve address cartography-neo4j-1:7687``\ , you may need to wait a bit for the Neo4j container to be ready. Run ``docker ps`` periodically to check on it and then retry the ``docker-compose run ..`` command.
    You will know it works when your terminal shows log messages displaying how many assets are being loaded to the graph:
    • You can view a full list of Cartography’s CLI arguments by running docker-compose run cartography --help.

    • Also see the configuration section of each relevant intel module to set up each data source. This generally involves specifying environment variables to cartography, or making a config/credential file on the host available to the container.

      • You can pass in environment variables to the cartography container using the docker-compose format like this: -e VARIABLE1 -e VARIABLE2=value2.

      • You can make files available to the cartography container by editing the volumes in the docker-compose.yml file. See docker-compose documentation on how to do that.

    • cartography-neo4j-1 is how the Cartography docker container knows how to reach the Neo4j container in docker-compose.

    • AWS things

      • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION must be specified.

      • The docker-compose.yml maps in ~/.aws/ on your host machine to /var/cartography/.aws in the cartography container so that the container has access to AWS profile and credential files.

  3. View the graph.

    You can view the graph while it is still syncing by visiting http://localhost:7474. Try a query like

       match (i:AWSRole)--(c:AWSAccount) return *
    It should look like this:
  4. Optional: If you want to configure the Neo4j container itself, you can do this via the .compose directory, which is git ignored. neo4j config, logs, etc are all located at .compose/neo4j/...

  5. Optional: You can supply additional environment variables via docker-compose like this:

    # Temporarily disable bash command history
    set +o history
    # See the cartography github configuration intel module docs
    # You need to set this after starting neo4j once, and resetting
    # the default neo4j password, which is neo4j
    export NEO4j_PASSWORD=...
    # Reenable bash command history
    set -o history
    # Start cartography dependencies
    docker-compose up -d
    # Run cartography
    docker-compose run -e GITHUB_KEY -e NEO4j_PASSWORD cartography cartography --github-config-env-var GITHUB_KEY --neo4j-uri bolt://neo4j:7687 --neo4j-password-env-var NEO4j_PASSWORD --neo4j-user neo4j

Read on to see other things you can do with Cartography.

Option 2: manually run 2 containers

  1. Run the Neo4j graph database container.

    # Create a docker network so that cartography can talk to neo4j
    docker network create cartography-network
    # run the Neo4j graph database
    docker run \
        --publish=7474:7474 \
        --publish=7687:7687 \
        --network cartography-network \
        -v data:/data \
        --name cartography-neo4j \
        --env=NEO4J_AUTH=none \
    • Refer to the Neo4j Docker official docs for more information.

    • Note that we are just playing around here on a test instance and have specified --env=NEO4J_AUTH=none to turn off authentication.

    • If you experience very slow write performance using an ARM-based machine like an M1 Mac, see if using an ARM image helps. Neo4j keeps ARM builds here.

  2. Configure and run Cartography.

    See the configuration section of each relevant intel module to set up each data source. In this example we will use AWS.

    This command runs cartography on an AWS profile called “1234_testprofile” on region us-east-1. We also expose the host machine’s ~/.aws directory to ~/var/cartography/.aws in the container so that AWS configs work.

    docker run --rm \
        --network cartography-network \
        -v ~/.aws:/var/cartography/.aws/ \
        -e AWS_PROFILE=1234_testprofile \
        -e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 \
        lyft/cartography --neo4j-uri bolt://cartography-neo4j:7687

    If things work, your terminal will look like this where you see log messages displaying how many assets are being loaded to the graph:

    • You pass in environment variables to the cartography container using the docker format like this: -e VARIABLE1 -e VARIABLE2=value2.

    • AWS things

      • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION must be specified.

      • Our docker-compose.yml maps in ~/.aws/ on your host machine to /var/cartography/.aws in the cartography container, so the container has access to AWS profile and credential files.

    • You can view a full list of Cartography’s CLI arguments by running docker run lyft/cartography --help.

  3. View the graph.

    You can view the graph while it is still syncing by visiting http://localhost:7474. Try a query like

       match (i:AWSRole)--(c:AWSAccount) return *
    It should look like this:

Read on to see other things you can do with Cartography.

Option 3: Native install

Do this if you prefer to install and manage all the dependencies yourself. Cartography should work on Linux, Mac, and Windows, but bear in mind we haven’t tested much on Windows so far.

  1. Ensure that you have Python 3.10 set up on your machine.

    Older or newer versions of Python may work but are not explicitly supported. You will probably have more luck with newer versions.

  2. Run Neo4j graph database version 4.4 or higher. 4.3 and lower will *not* work.

    ⚠️ Neo4j 5.x will probably work since it's included in our test suite, but we do not explicitly support it yet.
    1. We recommend running Neo4j as a Docker container so that you save time and don’t need to install Java. Run docker run --publish=7474:7474 --publish=7687:7687 -v data:/data --env=NEO4J_AUTH=none neo4j:4.4-community.

    2. Otherwise, if you prefer to install Neo4j from scratch,

      1. Neo4j requires a JVM (JDK/JRE 11 or higher). One option is Amazon Coretto 11.

        ⚠️ Make sure you have the JAVA_HOME environment variable set. The following works for Mac OS: export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)

      2. Go to the Neo4j download page, and download Neo4j Community Edition 4.4.*.

      3. Install Neo4j.

        ⚠️ For local testing, you might want to turn off authentication via property in file NEO4J_PATH/conf/neo4j.conf

  3. Install cartography to the current Python virtual environment with ``pip install cartography``.

    We recommend creating a separate venv for just Cartography and its dependencies. You can read about venvs here, and searching on how to use tools like pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv.

  4. Configure your data sources.

    See the configuration section of each relevant intel module for more details. In this example we will use AWS.

  5. Run cartography.

    • For a specific AWS account defined as a separate profile in your AWS config file, set the AWS_PROFILE environment variable, for example this command runs cartography on an AWS profile called “1234_testprofile” on region us-east-1.

      AWS_PROFILE=1234_testprofile AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 cartography --neo4j-uri bolt://localhost:7687
    • For one account using the default profile defined in your AWS config file, run

      cartography --neo4j-uri bolt://localhost:7687
    • For more than one AWS account, run

      AWS_CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/your/aws/config cartography --neo4j-uri bolt://localhost:7687 --aws-sync-all-profiles

      You can view a full list of Cartography’s CLI arguments by running cartography --help.

      If everything worked, the sync will pull data from your configured accounts and ingest data to Neo4j! This process might take a long time if your account has a lot of assets.

  6. View the graph.

    You can view the graph while it is still syncing by visiting http://localhost:7474. Try a query like

       match (i:AWSRole)--(c:AWSAccount) return *
    It should look like this:

Things to do next

Here’s some ideas to get the most out of Cartography: