Permissions Mapping¶
How to use Permissions Mapping¶
An AWSPrincipal contains AWSPolicies which contain AWSPolicyStatements which grant permission to resources. Cartography can map in permission relationships between IAM Pricipals (AWSPrincipal nodes) and the resources they have permission to.
As mapping all permissions is infeasible both to calculate and store Cartography will only map in the relationships defined in the permission relationship file which includes some default permission mappings including s3 read access.
You can specify your own permission mapping file using the --permission-relationships-file
command line parameter
Permission Mapping File¶
The permission relationship file is a yaml file that specifies what permission relationships should be created in the graph. It consists of RPR (Resource Permission Relationship) sections that are going to map specific permissions between AWSPrincipals and resources
- target_label: S3Bucket
- S3:GetObject
relationship_name: CAN_READ
Each RPR consists of
ResourceType (string) - The node Label that permissions will be built for
Permissions (list(string)) - The list of permissions to map. If any of these permissions are present between a resource and a permission then the relationship is created.
RelationshipName - (string) - The name of the relationship cartography will create
It can also be used to absract many different permissions into one. This example combines all of the permissions that would allow a dynamodb table to be queried.
- target_label: DynamoDBTable
- dynamodb:BatchGetItem
- dynamodb:GetItem
- dynamodb:GetRecords
- dynamodb:Query
relationship_name: CAN_QUERY
If a principal has any of the permission it will be mapped