Amazon Web Services (AWS)ΒΆ
The AWS module has the following coverage:
API Gateway - Rest APIs, Stages, Certificates, Resources
Config - Configuration Recorders, Delivery Channels, Config Rules
EC2 - Autoscaling groups, Elastic IPs, AMIs, Instances, Internet Gateways, SSH Key Pairs, Launch Templates, Launch Config, Load Balancers (V1 and V2), Network Interfaces, Reserved Instances, Security Groups, EBS Volumes, EBS Snapshots, Subnets, Trusted Gateway, VPC, VPC Peerings
Elasticsearch - Domains
Elastic Kubernetes Service - Clusters
DynamoDB - Tables, Global Secondary Indexes
IAM - Users, User Access Keys, Roles, Groups, Group Membership, Principals, Policies (managed and inline), Assume Role Relationships
KMS - Keys, Key Policy, Grants, Aliases
Lambda - Functions, Aliases, Source Mappings, Layers
RDS - Clusters, Instances, Subnet Groups, Security Groups, Read Replicas
Redshift - Clusters
Route53 - Records, Zones
S3 - Buckets, Bucket Policy, ACLs
Secrets Manager - Secrets
Security Hub - Basic Hub Details
SQS - Queues, Dead Letter Queues
Tags - Tag support for the supported resources, if supported by the resource groups tagging API