Cartography Developer Guide

Running the source code

This document assumes familiarity with Python dev practices such as using virtualenvs.

  1. Run Neo4j

    Follow the Install Steps so that you get Neo4j running locally. It’s up to you if you want to use Docker or a native install.

  2. Install Python 3.10

  3. Clone the source code

    Run cd {path-where-you-want-your-source-code}. Get the source code with git clone git://

  4. Perform an editable install of the cartography source code

    Run cd cartography and then pip install -e . (yes, actually type the period into the command line) to install Cartography from source to the current venv.

  5. Run from source

    After this finishes you should be able to run Cartography from source with cartography --neo4j-uri bolt://localhost:7687. Any changes to the source code in {path-where-you-want-your-source-code}/cartography are now locally testable by running cartography from the command line.

Automated testing

  1. Install test requirements

    pip install -r test-requirements.txt

  2. (OPTIONAL) Setup environment variables for integration tests

    The integration tests expect Neo4j to be running locally, listening on default ports, and with auth disabled.

    To run the integration tests on a specific Neo4j instance, add the following environment variable:

    export "NEO4J_URL=<your_neo4j_instance_bolt_url:your_neo4j_instance_port>"

  3. **Run tests using make**

    • make test_lint runs pre-commit linting against the codebase.

    • make test_unit runs the unit test suite.

      ⚠️ Important! The below commands will DELETE ALL NODES on your local Neo4j instance as part of our testing procedure. Only run any of the below commands if you are ok with this. ⚠️

    • make test_integration runs the integration test suite. For more granular testing, you can invoke pytest directly:

      • pytest ./tests/integration/cartography/intel/aws/

      • pytest ./tests/integration/cartography/intel/aws/

      • pytest -k test_load_groups

    • make test can be used to run all of the above.

Implementing custom sync commands

By default, cartography will try to sync every intel module included as part of the default sync. If you’re not using certain intel modules, you can create a custom sync script and invoke it using the cartography CLI. For example, if you’re only interested in the AWS intel module you can create a sync script,, that looks like this:

from cartography import cli
from cartography import sync
from import aws
from import create_indexes

def build_custom_sync():
    s = sync.Sync()
        ('aws', aws.start_aws_ingestion),
    return s

def main(argv):
    return cli.CLI(build_custom_sync(), prog='cartography').main(argv)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys

Which can then be invoked using python and will have all the features of the cartography CLI while only including the intel modules you are specifically interested in using. For example:

cartography$ python
INFO:cartography.sync:Starting sync with update tag '1569022981'
INFO:cartography.sync:Starting sync stage 'create-indexes' indexes for cartography node types.
INFO:cartography.sync:Finishing sync stage 'create-indexes'
INFO:cartography.sync:Starting sync stage 'aws'
INFO:botocore.credentials:Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials


We include a dev.Dockerfile that can help streamline common dev tasks. It is different from the main Dockerfile in that

  1. It is strictly intended for dev purposes.

  2. It performs an editable install of the cartography source code and test requirements.

  3. It does not define a docker entrypoint. This is to allow you to run a custom sync script instead of just the main cartography command.

To use it, build dev.Dockerfile with

cd /path/to/cartography/repo
docker build -t lyft/cartography-dev -f . dev.Dockerfile
docker-compose --profile dev up -d

With that, there are some interesting things you can do with it.

Dev with docker-compose

Run the full test suite

docker-compose run cartography-dev make test_lint
docker-compose run cartography-dev make test_unit
docker-compose run cartography-dev make test_integration

# for all the above
docker-compose run cartography-dev make test

Run a custom sync script

docker-compose run cartography-dev python

Run the cartography CLI

docker-compose run cartography-dev cartography --help

Equivalent manual docker commands

If you don’t like docker-compose or if it doesn’t work for you for any reason, here are the equivalent manual docker commands for the previous scenarios:

Run unit tests with dev.Dockerfile

docker run --rm lyft/cartography-dev make test_unit

This is a simple command because it doesn’t require any volume mounts or docker networking.

Run the linter with dev.Dockerfile

docker run --rm \
    -v $(pwd):/var/cartography \
    -v $(pwd)/.cache/pre-commit:/var/cartography/.cache/pre-commit \
    lyft/cartography-dev \
    make test_lint

The volume mounts are necessary to let pre-commit from within the container edit source files on the host machine, and for pre-commit’s cached state to save on your host machine without needing to update itself every time you run it.

Run integration tests with dev.Dockerfile

First run a Neo4j container:

docker run \
    --publish=7474:7474 \
    --publish=7687:7687 \
    --network cartography-network \
    -v data:/data \
    --name cartography-neo4j \
    --env=NEO4J_AUTH=none \

and then call the integration test suite like this:

docker run --rm \
  --network cartography-network \
  -e NEO4J_URL=bolt://cartography-neo4j:7687 \
  lyft/cartography-dev \
  make test_integration

Note that we needed to specify the NEO4J_URL env var so that the integration test would be able to reach the Neo4j container.

Run the full test suite with dev.Dockerfile

Bring up a neo4j container

docker run \
    --publish=7474:7474 \
    --publish=7687:7687 \
    --network cartography-network \
    -v data:/data \
    --name cartography-neo4j \
    --env=NEO4J_AUTH=none \

and then run the full test suite by specifying all the necessary volumes, network, and env vars.

docker run --rm \
    -v $(pwd):/var/cartography \
    -v $(pwd)/.cache/pre-commit:/var/cartography/.cache/pre-commit \
    --network cartography-network \
    -e NEO4J_URL=bolt://cartography-neo4j:7687 \
    lyft/cartography-dev \
    make test

Run a custom sync script with dev.Dockerfile

docker run --rm lyft/cartography-dev python

Run cartography CLI with dev.Dockerfile

docker run --rm lyft/cartography-dev cartography --help

How to write a new intel module

See here.